The way in which people decide to consume media varies. Some individuals prefer reading while others prefer viewing their favorite piece of work on the television. There are even those who enjoy a little bit of both. As anime typically derives from Manga, it is very common for fans to enjoy both forms of entertainment. With both having pros and cons, it can be difficult to determine which one to choose. Both deserve the same level of attention but Onequestion arises: should one read a manga before or after watching its corresponding Anime?
There are several factors to consider when making a decision regarding this matter. Fans must determine howdifferent their viewing experience will be if the manga is read before watching the anime and if the manga will be enjoyable if read after the anime. As people usually have different experiences with media they consume, these questions can only be answered by each individual fan. I believe it is important to look at the positives and decide based on those.
Reasons to Read the Manga Before the Anime
You Are Less Likely to Miss the Little Details
Manga is typically the main source material for anime, so it tends to be a bit more detailed. Sometimes writing certain stories is easier than animating ensuring readers are more likely to get an in-depth experience. With fewer limitations regarding the length of written work, an author can write without worrying about time constraints that they would deal with if it were an episode. Essentially reading the manga before the anime often gives fans additionalinformation up front and will likely give them a more meticulous work of fiction. It is very easy to miss little details portrayed in an anime especially if watching a show in Japanese with English subtitles. Reading the manga before the anime will allow you the comfort of knowing what to expect but still allow the satisfaction of enjoying the adaptation.
You Don’t Have to Wait as Long for The Next Chapter
As anime tends to come after the manga, viewers usually must wait quite a bit for new releases while avoiding spoilers from avid manga readers. Reading the manga before the anime would eliminate this problem. Although one must still wait for manga releases, chances are if an anime has been released the manga already has a substantial number of volumes available. It is also often difficult to wait for studios to animate episodes when you know a completed manga is just within reach. Reading before watching would help those who just cannot wait for a one-episode-a-week release schedule.
Reasons to Read the Manga After the Anime
The Ending Is Less Likely to Be Spoiled
On the other hand, the enjoyment one gets from watching a show for the first time may be reduced if one were to know exactly what was going to happen. Reading the manga before an anime would take the element of surprise out of the equation for viewers. As manga typically finishes before the anime, readers usually get the ending well before it can be animated. This may diminish the viewing experience as one would not hold the same anticipation for something they know is going to happen. Spoilers are sometimes unavoidable with social media being so prevalent in today’s day and age so reading the manga first rather than waiting on the anime could potentially solve this problem.
Enjoy the show without comparing it to something
Watching the anime before reading the manga will allow viewers to go in with a fresh perspective. You can watch an anime for the first time without comparing it to something which often will sway one’s opinion as people tend to prefer the original work over an adaptation. Whether it is anime or even a book turned into a movie, viewers who have read the story prior to watching the adaptation are often left disappointed, as translating written work to film or tv can be complicated. It is not always possible to include every detail in an adaptation, even things one would consider important to the story. This can lead to disappointed viewers while those who are seeing the adaptation before reading the source material have fewer expectations and are able to enjoy the work for what it is.
At the end of the day there is no right or wrong answer as to whether one should read the manga before or after the anime. The order in which you choose to consume media should not matter if you are enjoying what you are reading and/or watching.